Chapter 16 Working with PowerBuilder

Selecting PowerBuilder generation options

PowerBuilder is a specific language that uses its own generation options. You can generate PowerBuilder objects from the classes of an OOM using the following generation options in the PowerBuilder Generation dialog box:

You can also select the Check Model check box to verify the model before generation and stop generation if an error is found.

Using libraries

You have to select a target or an application from the Target/Application dropdown listbox. The following situations occur during generation:

Generated object Generation result
Package with specified library path (defined in an extended attribute during reverse engineering) Generated in corresponding library from target/application library list
Package at the root of the model without library path Generated in a new library at the same level as target/application library
Child package without library path Generated in parent package
Object at the root of the model Generated in the target/application library

For more information on PowerBuilder reverse engineering, see section Reverse Engineering PowerBuilder.

Note: this mode is not available if you do not have PowerBuilder installed on your machine.

Using source files

You have to define a generation directory.

Classes defined at the model level are generated as source files in the specified directory.

Classes defined in packages are generated as source files in sub-directories.

You will then have to import the generated objects into PowerBuilder.

Steps To generate objects for PowerBuilder:

  1. Select Language→Generate PowerBuilder to display the PowerBuilder Generation dialog box.
  2. Select a model or package from the Folder Selection dropdown listbox.
  3. Select the classes to generate from the list.

    Note   Select Tools
    All classes of the model are selected and displayed by default. Use the Select tools to the right of the Folder Selection dropdown listbox to modify the selection. The Include Sub-Packages tool allows you to include all objects located within packages.

  4. Click the Options tab to display the Options page.
  5. <optional> Select the Check Model check box if you want to verify the validity of your model before generation.
  6. Select the required options.
  7. Click OK to generate.

    A PowerBuilder user object is generated in the PowerBuilder application for each selected class.


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