Chapter 15 Working with IDL
You create a CORBA valuetype using a class with the <<CORBAValue>> stereotype. You can further define the valuetype using the following design features:
- Inheritance between valuetypes has to be designed as a generalization between two valuetype classes
- The interface supported by a value type is the one linked to the valuetype class with a generalization
- Members of a valuetype are linked with a composition to the valuetype
- You can declare an interface inside a valuetype using an inner link
- Boolean extended attribute Istruncatable allows you to specify if the valuetype is truncatable or not
- A value type factory operation is represented using an operation with the <<CORBAValueFactory>> stereotype
valuetype DateAndTime : Time supports PrettyPrint {
public DateAndTime::Date the date;
factory init(in short hr, in short min);
string get_date();
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