Chapter 12 Generating Other Models from an OOM

Generating CDM objects

If you have been working on a class diagram in an Object-Oriented Model (OOM) and want to change approach, you can generate a Conceptual Data Model (CDM) of an OOM class diagram. This process translates OOM objects into CDM objects and allows you to switch to an entity/relationships or Merise analysis.

You will then be able to further design your model and eventually generate a Physical Data Model (PDM) from the CDM.

When you generate a CDM from an OOM, PowerDesigner translates OOM objects and data types to CDM objects and data types.

The current object language of an OOM has no effect on generation to a CDM. CDM generation translates OOM objects into conceptual objects.

OOM object CDM object after generation
Domain Domain
Class Entity
Interface Not translated
Attribute Attribute
Identifier Identifier
Operation Not translated
Association Relationship or association
Association class Entity/relationship notation: the association class becomes an entity with two associations.

Merise notation: the class becomes an association, and the OOM associations will be generated as association links
Dependency Not translated
Realization Not translated
Generalization Inheritance


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