Chapter 4 Building Conceptual Data Models

Deleting a data item

You delete a data item from the list of data items. When you delete a data item you also delete all entity attributes using that data item.

Steps To delete a data item:

  1. Select→Model→Data Items to display the list of data items.
  2. Click a data item in the list.

    An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.

    Note   Selecting a line in a list
    You can select a line in a list by clicking the number at the beginning of the line. An arrow replaces the number and the line is selected.

  3. Click the arrow at the beginning of the line.

    The line is selected.
  4. Click the Delete tool.


    Press delete.

    The data item and all entity attributes using the data item are deleted.
  5. Click OK.


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