Chapter 5 Using the PowerDesigner Interface

Attaching a requirement to an object

You can attach one or more requirements to an object in a model using the Requirements tab in the object property sheet. This tab appears if you select the Enable links to requirements model option.

Requirements models must be open to proceed to attachments.

For more information about this model option, see the user's guide of each PowerDesigner model.

When you double-click a row in the Requirements tab of an object property sheet, you open the external shortcut property sheet for the selected requirement. If you want to open the property sheet of the requirement target, click the Target Object Properties button beside the Name box. You can also select Tools→General Options→Dialog from the Menu bar and select the Target Object option beside External Shortcut to define a default open mode for shortcut property sheets.

Steps To attach a requirement to an object:

  1. Open an object property sheet and click the Requirements tab.
  2. Click the Add Objects tool in the toolbar to open a selection list of Requirements models.
  3. Select one or more requirements and click OK.

    The selected requirements appear in the Requirements tab.
  4. Click OK to close the property sheet.


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