Chapter 5 Using the PowerDesigner Interface

Understanding the More/Less button

The More/Less button located at the bottom-left corner of objects property sheets, just before the Property Sheet Menu button is a kind of shortcut to the list of favorite tabs in the Customize Favorite Tabs sub-menu and to the Display All Tabs command in the same sub-menu. The More/Less button allows the display of tabs in a simplified or extended mode.

Depending on the displayed tabs in the current property sheet the More button or the Less button alternately appears:

Displayed button Appears when
More (enables extended mode) Equivalent to the list of favorite tabs. At least one available tab is not displayed in the property sheet. If you click the More button, you will display all available tabs.
Less (enables simplified mode) Equivalent to the Display All Tabs command. All available tabs are already displayed in the property sheet and the list of favorite tabs is smaller than the list of current displayed tabs. If you click the Less button, you will display favorite tabs only.

When all displayed tabs are favorite tabs, there is no More or Less button.

By default, the More button is displayed in all property sheets the first time you open the product, which means that only favorite tabs are displayed. If you click the More button, then close the property sheet, the Less button will be displayed the next time you open the property sheet.

If you already had a previous version installed on your machine, the Less button is displayed by default in all property sheets, unless you had already customized property sheets. In this case, the last state of property sheets is preserved.


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