Chapter 9 Accessing objects using VBScript

Differences between VBScript and OLE Automation

VBScript programs and OLE Automation programs are very similar. You can easily create VB or VBA programs, if you know how to use VBScript.

However, some differences remain. The following example of program highlights what differentiate OLE Automation from VBScript.

VBScript program

The following VBScript program allows you to count the number of classes defined in an OOM and display that number in PowerDesigner Output window, then create a new OOM and display its name in the same Output window.

To do so, the following steps are necessary:

'* Purpose:  This script displays the number of classes defined in an OOM in the output window.
Option Explicit
' Main function
' Get the current active model
Dim model
Set model = ActiveModel
If model Is Nothing Then
   MsgBox "There is no current model."
ElsIf Not Model.IsKindOf(PdOOM.cls_Model) Then
   MsgBox "The current model is not an OOM model."
   ' Display the number of classes
   Dim nbClass
   nbClass = model.Classes.Count
   Output "The model '" + model.Name + "' contains " + CStr(nbClass) + " classes."
' Create a new OOM
   Dim model2
   set model2 = CreateModel(PdOOM.cls_Model)
   If Not model2 Is Nothing Then
      ' Copy the author name =
      ' Display a message in the output window
      Output "Successfully created the model '" + model2.Name + "'."
      MsgBox "Cannot create an OOM."
   End If
End If

OLE Automation program

To do the same with OLE Automation program, you should modify it as follows:

'* Purpose:  This script displays the number of classes defined in an OOM in the output window.
Option Explicit
' Main function
Sub VBTest()
   ' Defined the PowerDesigner Application object
   Dim PD As PdCommon.Application
   ' Get the PowerDesigner Application object
   Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application")
' Get the current active model
   Dim model As PdCommon.BaseModel
   Set model = PD.ActiveModel
   If model Is Nothing Then
      MsgBox "There is no current model."
   ElsIf Not model.IsKindOf(PdOOM.cls_Model) Then
      MsgBox "The current model is not an OOM model."
      ' Display the number of classes
      Dim nbClass
      nbClass = Model.Classes.Count
      PD.Output "The model '" + model.Name + "' contains " + CStr(nbClass) + " classes."
' Create a new OOM
      Dim model2 As PdOOM.Class
      Set model2 = PD.CreateModel(PdOOM.cls_Model)
      If Not model2 Is Nothing Then
         ' Copy the author name
         model2.Author = Model.Author
         ' Display a message in the output window
         PD.Output "Successfully created the model '" + model2.Name + "'."
         MsgBox "Cannot create an OOM."
      End If
   End If
' Release the PowerDesigner Application object
   Set PD = Nothing
End Sub

OLE Automation requirements to communicate with PowerDesigner

To use OLE Automation to communicate with PowerDesigner, you need to:


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