Chapter 9 Accessing objects using VBScript

Global functions

The following global functions are available:

Global functions Use

(modelkind As Long, filename As String = "", flags As Long =omf_Default) As BaseObject
Creates a new model

(filename As String, flags As Long =omf_Default) As BaseObject
Creates a new model using given model file as template

(filename As String, flags As Long =omf_Default) As BaseObject
Opens an existing model (including V6 models)

(message As String = "")
Writes a message in the Script tab of the Output window of PowerDesigner main window

(X As Long = 0, Y As Long = 0) As APoint
Creates a point to position a symbol

(Left As Long = 0, Top As Long = 0, Right As Long = 0, Bottom As Long = 0) As Arect
Creates a rectangle to manipulate symbols position
NewPtList () As PtList Creates a list of points to position a link
NewGUID() As String Creates a new Global Unique IDentifier (GUID). This new GUID is returned as a string without the usual surrounding "{" "}"
IsKindOf(childkind As Long, parentkind As Long) As Boolean Returns True if childkind corresponds to a metaclass derived from the metaclass of kind parentkind, False otherwise

(cmd As String, Optional arglist As String, Optional mode As Long) As String
Opens an external application

(rtf As String) As String
Removes RTF (Rich-Text-File) tags from an RTF formatted text

(InputFileName As String, OutputFileName As String)
Converts <InputFileName> file into UTF8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format, where byte order is specified by an initial Byte-Order Mark) and writes the result to the file <OutputFileName>. The two filenames must be different

(InputFileName As String, OutputFileName As String)
Converts <InputFileName> file into UTF16 (16-bit Unicode Transformation Format Little Endian, where byte order is specified by an initial Byte-Order Mark) and writes the result to the file <OutputFileName>. The two filenames must be different

(FileName As String, QueryIfUnknown As Boolean = True, FailOnError As Boolean = False) As String
Replaces a variable in a path by the corresponding named path

(FileName As String) As String
Replaces the path of a file by the corresponding named path
Progress(Key As String, InStatusBar Boolean = False) As BaseObject Create or retrieve a given progress indicator

OpenModel(), CreateModel() and CreateModelFromTemplate flags

OpenModel, CreateModel and CreateModelFromTemplate functions use the following global constants:

Constant Use
Omf_Default Default behavior for OpenModel/CreateModel
Omf_DontOpenView Does not open default diagram view for OpenModel/CreateModel/ CreateModelFromTemplate
Omf_QueryType For CreateModel ONLY: Forces querying initial diagram type
Omf_NewFileLock For CreateModel ONLY: Creates and locks corresponding file
Omf_Hidden Does not let the model appear in the workspace for OpenModel/CreateModel/CreateModelFromTemplate

Command execution modes

Command execution modes use the following global constants:

Constant Use
cmd _ShellExec Default behavior: lets MS-Windows shell execute the command
cmd _PipeOutput Redirects the command output to the General tab of PowerDesigner Output window
cmd _PipeResult Captures the whole command output to the returned string
cmd_InternalScript Indicates that the first parameter of the Execute Command is a VBScript file to be executed as an internal script rather than letting the system run the application associated with the file type


'Create a new model and print its name in output window
CreateModel(PDOOm.cls_Model, "C:\Temp\Test.oom|Language=Java|Diagram=SequenceDiagram")


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