Chapter 9 Accessing objects using VBScript


A collection is a set of objects.

The model is the root object and the other objects can be reached by browsing the corresponding collection. The objects are grouped together within collections that can be compared to the category nodes appearing in the Browser tree view of the Workspace.

If an object CUSTOMER has a collection, it means the collection contains the list of objects with which the object CUSTOMER is in relation.

Some functions are available on collections. You can:

Collections can be of the following types:

Read-only collections

Models (global collection for opened models) is an example of read-only collection.

The property and method available for read-only collections are the following:

Property or Method Use
Count As Long Retrieves the number of objects in collection
Item(idx As Long = 0) As BaseObject Retrieves the item in collection for a given index. Item(0) is the first object
MetaCollection As BaseObject Retrieves the MetaCollection object that defines this collection
Kind As Long Retrieves the kind of objects the collection can contain
Source As BaseObject Retrieves the object that owns the collection


'How to get the number of active models and display it in the output window
output Models.count

Unordered collections

All methods and properties for read-only collections are also available for unordered collections.

Properties and methods available for unordered collections are the following:

Property or Method Use
Source As BaseObject Retrieves the object that owns the collection
Kind As Long Retrieves the objects kind
Add(obj As BaseObject) Adds object as the last object of the collection
Remove(obj As BaseObject, delete As Boolean = False) Removes the given object from collection and optionally delete the object
Clear(delete As Boolean = False) Removes all objects from collection and optionally delete them


'remove table TEST from the active model
Set MyModel = ActiveModel
For each T in Mymodel.Tables
   If T.code = "TEST" then
       set MyTable = T
   End if
ActiveModel.Tables.Remove MyTable, true

Ordered collections

All methods and properties for read-only and unordered collections are also available for ordered collections.

Properties and methods available for ordered collections are the following:

Property or Method Use
Insert(idx As Long = -1, obj As BaseObject) Inserts objects in collection. If no index is provided, the index -1 is used, which means the object is simply added as the last object of the collection
RemoveAt(idx As Long = -1, delete As Boolean = False) Removes object at given index from collection. If no index is provided the index -1 is used, which means the removed object is the last object in collection (if any). Optionally deletes the object
Move(source As Long, dest As Long) Moves object from source index to destination index
CreateNewAt( idx As Long = -1, kind As Long = 0) As BaseObject Creates an object of a given kind, and inserts it at given position. If no index is provided the index -1 is used which means the object is simply added as the last object of the collection. If no object kind is specified the value 0 is used which means that the Kind property will be used. See the HTML help file for restrictions on using this method


'Move first column in last position
'Assuming the variable MyTable contains a table

Composition collections

Composition collections can be ordered or unordered.

All methods and properties for unordered collections are also available for unordered compositions.

Properties and methods available for unordered composition collections are the following:

Property or Method Use
CreateNew(kind As Long = 0) As BaseObject Creates an object of a given kind, and adds it at the end of collection. If no object kind is specified the value 0 is used, which means the Kind property of the collection will be used

All methods and properties for ordered collections are also available for ordered compositions.

All methods and properties for unordered compositions are also available for ordered compositions.

Properties and methods available for ordered composition collections are the following:

Property or Method Use
CreateNewAt( idx As Long = -1, kind As Long = 0) As BaseObject Creates an object of a given kind, and inserts it at a given position. If no index is provided the index -1 is used, which means the object is simply added as the last object of the collection. If no object kind is specified the value 0 is used which means that the Kind property of the collection will be used

These methods may yet be successfully called on unordered collections, even though they are not marked as composition collections. This is the case when such collections are computed views of other collections, which can be compositions.

These methods can be called with no object kind specified, but this is only possible when the collection is strongly typed. That is, the collection is designed to contain objects of a precise non-abstract object kind. In such cases, the Kind property of the collection corresponds to an instantiable class and the short description of the collection states the object kind name.


The Columns collection of a table is a composition collection as you can create columns from it. But the Columns collection of a key is not a composition collection as you cannot create objects (columns) from it, but only list them.

'Create a new table in a model
'Assuming the variable MyModel contains a PDM
'Declare a new variable object MyTable
Dim MyTable
'Create a new table in MyModel
Set MyTable = MyModel.Tables.Createnew

'Create a new column in a table
'Assuming the variable MyTable contains a table
'Declare a new variable object MyColumn
Dim MyColumn
'Create a new column in MyTable in 3rd position
Set MyTable = MyTable.Columns.CreateNewAt(2)
' the columns is created with a default name and code

Note   Browsing the collections of a model
When you browse the collections of a model and want to retrieve its objects, be aware that you will also retrieve the shortcuts of objects of the same type.


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