Chapter 3 Getting Started with the PowerDesigner Eclipse Plugin

Modifying object properties

You can modify object properties:

Modifying properties in a property sheet

Steps To modify an object's properties in its property sheet:

  1. Right-click the object in the Model Explorer and select Properties.


    Right-click the object symbol in the diagram and select Properties.


    Double-click the object symbol in the diagram.
  2. Modify the necessary properties in the different tabs.
  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the property sheet.

    Note   Opening property sheets at the last accessed tab
    Property sheets open to the General tab by default. However, you can choose to open property sheets at the last accessed tab by selecting Tools→General Options→Dialog, and selecting the Keep Last Tab option in the Property Sheets groupbox.

Modifying properties in a list

Steps To modify object properties in a list:

  1. Select Model→object_type (or select the appropriate tab in an object's property sheet) to open the list.
  2. Select the object that you want to modify and edit any of its properties directly in the list.
  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the list.


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