Chapter 5 Using the PowerDesigner Interface

Managing add-ins

An add-in is a module that adds a specific feature or service to PowerDesigner standard behavior. PowerDesigner is installed with several add-ins.

Add-in name Description
Meta-integration Import Export Uses the Meta Integration Model Bridge to import and export a large number of 3rd party file formats. Commands are available from the File→Import and File→Export menu. You need to purchase bridges from Meta Integration.
Microsoft Analysis Services Imports multidimensional data from MS SQL Server into a PDM. Microsoft Analysis Services must be installed on the current machine
Microsoft Word Import Export Imports an MS Word document as a requirements model and exports a requirements model as an MS Word document
.Net Reverse Engineering Reverse engineers VB .Net and C# sources.
Spell Checker Uses MS Word spell checker on PowerDesigner object names, codes, comments, descriptions, and annotations
XML Validation Checks that an XML document is conform to the current schema in the XML model. This add-in requires MSXML 4.0

.Net reverse engineering

In order to use the .Net binary reverse, you need to register the application reverseapp.exe.

.Net Framework 1.1 must be installed. You must use the regasm.exe program located in the Windows directory under the Microsoft.NET\Framework folder. The command line is the following:

regasm /codebase reverseapp.exe

The .net Assemblies command appears in the File→Reverse engineer menu. The executable can also be used separately from PowerDesigner.

ReverseApp -c|-v [-l ] [-r ] [-g]

-l: followed by library file name, this option can be repeated several times.

-r: recursively forces to reverse engineer parameter type and return type.

-g: does not display reverse engineering dialog box and directly proceeds with reverse engineering.

-c: reverse engineers C# model.

-v: reverse engineers VB.Net model.

ReverseApp will retrieve the namespaces, classes, and other objects defined in these assemblies and create a corresponding Object-Oriented Model.

System and user add-ins

Add-ins installed with PowerDesigner are called system add-ins, they are declared in a Local Machine Registry key.

If you modify system add-in properties, you can click the Reset value for a system add-in tool to recover add-in parameters as they are registered in the Local Machine key.

You can create your own add-ins and declare them in the Add-ins page of the General Options dialog box. User-defined add-ins are called user add-ins, they are declared in a Current User Registry key.

Add-in properties

An add-in has the following properties:

Add-in property Description
Name Name of the add-in, this name must be unique in the PowerDesigner environment. System add-in names cannot be modified
Type Add-in type, it can be ActiveX or XML.

An ActiveX add-in implements a specific interface that defines methods. These methods are invoked by PowerDesigner in order to dialog with menus and execute commands that are defined by the ActiveX.

An XML add-in uses a declarative program with a language linked to an .EXE file or a VB script
Comment Additional information about the add-in. System add-in comments cannot be modified
File XML file containing the menu and command specifications for an XML add-in

DLL or EXE files for an ActiveX add-in
Class (ActiveX only) Name of the class that implements the ActiveX add-in interface


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