Chapter 5 Using the PowerDesigner Interface

Understanding the list tools

In the upper part of PowerDesigner lists, you can use the following tools:

Tool Description

Opens the property sheet of the selected item

Inserts a row before the selected row in the list *

Adds a row at the end of the list

Opens an object selection dialog box to select objects and add them to the list. When you select an item you copy it to the list.

Creates a new object and opens the corresponding property sheet

(only for CDM) Opens an object selection dialog box to reuse objects. When you select an item you create a link to the original item, you do not copy it.

Deletes the row and stores it in the Clipboard

Copies the selected row to the Clipboard

Pastes the contents of the Clipboard

Deletes the row

Opens a Find dialog box to search an item in the list

Finds the symbol in the diagram

Opens a Filter dialog box to define a filter on the list

Enables the filter on the list

Includes sub-packages objects in the list

Includes composite objects in the list (like sub-process, sub-activity, sub state, etc.)

Inserts objects shortcuts in the list

Opens a target model or a diagram**

Opens an object selection list to change the target object of a shortcut

*: Only in ordered lists

**: Only in related diagrams

Selecting all items in a list

Click the top left corner box in the list to select all items in a list.

You can multi-select items in a list in order to perform mass changes on object properties. This is only possible when the change is relevant. For example you cannot multi-select items in a list to change objects name.


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