Chapter 11 PowerDesigner File Format Specification

XML and the PowerDesigner metamodel

PowerDesigner models are made up of objects which properties and interactions are explained in the public metamodel. The metamodel uses the OOM formalism to document PowerDesigner metadata (under the form of classes) and their links (under the form of associations and generalizations).

You can use the PowerDesigner public metamodel to better understand the format of PowerDesigner XML files.

First of all, object names, as declared in markup <o:name of object>, correspond to public names in the metamodel. You can search for an object in the metamodel using the object name found in the XML file.

Once you have found and located the object in the metamodel you can read the following information:

The PowerDesigner public metamodel is available in the \Examples directory.

For more information on the PowerDesigner Public metamodel, see chapter PowerDesigner Public Metamodel.

You can also use the help file with the .chm extension delivered with PowerDesigner. This file is intended to help users who want to create Visual Basic scripts since it provides useful information about object properties, collections, and methods.

For more information on how to create Visual Basic scripts for PowerDesigner objects, see section Accessing objects using VBScript in chapter Managing Objects in the General Features Guide .


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