Chapter 11 PowerDesigner File Format Specification

XML file format

All model files in PowerDesigner have an extension that corresponds to the module in which they are saved. For example, a model saved in the object-oriented module has the extension OOM. Beside the file extension, you can decide a format for saving your models:

Model file format Enables you to ...
BIN (Binary) Have files that are small in size which take up less space on your disk, as well as being significantly quicker to open and save in PowerDesigner
XML (Extensible Markup Language) Visualize and modify the structure and content of model objects in a text or XML editor

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is intended to make it easy and straightforward to use SGML-defined documents, and easy to transmit and share them across the Web.

DTD and XML editors

Furthermore PowerDesigner XML files support a DTD (Document Type Definition) for each type of model. The DTD enables you to use an XML editor to browse through the hierarchical structure of the objects in the model. The different DTDs are available in the \DTD folder in the PowerDesigner installation directory.

You can find more information on XML at the following site:


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