Chapter 10 PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

Overall organization

When you open the PowerDesigner metamodel, the Modules diagram appears, and you can observe a series of packages linked to PdCommon. These packages represent the different libraries of PowerDesigner, each library (apart from PdCommon) is equivalent to a model type:

Package name Corresponding model
PdCDM Conceptual Data Model
PdPDM Physical Data Model
PdOOM Object Oriented Model
PdBPM Business Process Model
PdILM Information Liquidity Model
PdRQM Requirements Model
PdFRM Free Model
PdRMG Repository
PdWSP Workspace

Package PdCommon does not correspond to a particular model, it gathers all objects shared among two or more models, for example, business rules are defined in this package.

It also defines the abstract classes of the model, for example, BaseObject is defined in diagram Common Abstract Objects in the Objects package of PdCommon.

For more information on abstract classes, see section Classes.

Library packages are linked to PdCommon by generalization links indicating that each model inherits common objects from the PdCommon library.


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