Chapter 10 PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

What is the PowerDesigner public metamodel?

Metamodel definition

Metamodeling is a logical extension of the abstraction process that is used to create object models. An object model is an abstraction of data, and can be described using metadata. A metamodel is an abstraction of metadata.

Metamodels describe formally the model elements, and the syntax and semantics of the notation that allow their manipulation. They are used to increase the power, flexibility, and versatility of a software because they isolate the application software from changes in the application model. For example, you can use a metamodel to represent the object model of an object model, the object model of a dynamic model, or the grammar of a grammar.

PowerDesigner metamodel

The PowerDesigner public metamodel is an abstraction of the PowerDesigner metadata represented in an Object Oriented Model.

The PowerDesigner public metamodel is divided in different packages containing classes which relate to each other via associations and generalizations. Each class has a name (the public name) and is described by zero or more attributes; it may assume various roles in associations with other classes.

Why publishing a metamodel?

The PowerDesigner public metamodel is intended to:


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