Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide

Composite physical option syntax

A composite physical option is a physical option that includes other dependent options. These options are selected together in the right pane of the physical options tab.

The standard syntax for composite physical options is as follows:

with : composite=yes, separator=yes, parenthesis=no
fillfactor=%d : default=0
max_rows_per_page=%d : default=0

The With physical option includes the other options between curly brackets { }, separated by a comma. To define a composite option, a composite keyword is necessary.

Keyword Value and result
composite= If composite=yes, brackets can be used to define a composite physical option
separator= If separator=yes, the options are separated by a comma
If separator=no, the options have no separator character. This is the default value
parenthesis= If parenthesis=yes, the composite option is delimited by parenthesis, including all the other options, for example:
with (max_row_per_page=0, ignore_dup_key)

If parenthesis=no, nothing delimits the composite option. This is the default value
nextmand= If nextmand=yes, the next line in the physical option is mandatory. If you do not use this keyword you will not be able to generate/reverse the entire composite physical option
prevmand= If prevmand=yes, the previous line in the physical option is mandatory. If you do not use this keyword you will not be able to generate/reverse the entire composite physical option
chldmand= If chldmand=yes, at least one child line is mandatory
category= If category=tablespace, the item is linked to a tablespace
If category=storage, then item is linked to a storage (*)
list= List in which values are separated by a pipe (|)
dquoted= If dquoted=yes, the value is enclosed in double quotes ("" "")
squoted= If squoted=yes, the value is enclosed in single quotes (' ')
enabledbprefix= If enabledbprefix=yes, the database name is used as prefix (see tablespace options in DB2 OS/390)

Default= and/or List= can also be used with the composite=, separator= and parenthesis= keywords. Category= can be used with the three keywords of a composite option.


The IBM DB2 index options contain the following composite option:

<using_block> : composite=yes
   using vcat %s
   using stogroup %s : category=storage, composite=yes
      priqty %d : default=12
      secqty %d
      erase %s : default=no, list=yes | no

(*) Special Case with Oracle

In Oracle, the storage category is used as a template to define all the storage values in a storage entry. This is to avoid having to set values independently each time you need to use the same values in a storage clause. The Oracle physical option does not include the storage name (%s)

storage : category=storage, composite=yes, separator=no, parenthesis=yes


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