Chapter 8 Extended Model Definitions Reference Guide


The Options category allows you to customize the generation process.

You can define the following types of entries in the Options category:

Entry Definition Example
Boolean Option to evaluate with two possible values: Yes or No EnableComment: Yes / No
String Single line character value. All characters are valid in the value WebLogicPassword value
List List of strings which must respect the format <value>[:<label>] WebLogicDeploymentType lets you specify if you want to deploy or re-deploy: you can choose "deploy" or "update" in the list of values

Each entry has a name and a comment, it corresponds to a generation option. The name is used if no comment is specified, otherwise the comment appears in the Option column in the Options page of the Generation dialog box.

These appear in the Options page of the Generation dialog box if the following conditions are met:

Both conditions allow you to display and select the extended model definition in the Targets page of the Generation dialog box:

When the extended model definition is selected, the options appear in the Options page:

You can use generation options in all generation templates and commands. To evaluate the generation option value, you have to use the following syntax: %GenOptions.<Options name>%.

.if (%GenOptions.EnableComment%)


.endif ( )

For more information on GTL syntax, see chapter Generation Reference Guide.


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