Chapter 8 Extended Model Definitions Reference Guide

Extended model definition properties

An extended model definition has a property page available when you click the root node in the tree view. The following properties are defined:

Property Description
Name Name of the extended model definition. This name must be unique in a model for generic or specific extended model definitions
Code Code of the extended model definition. This code must be unique in a model for generic or specific extended model definitions
File Name Path and name of the extended model definition file. This box is filled when the extended model definition is shared. If the extended model definition is a copy, the box is empty. You cannot modify the content of this box
Family Used to classify an extended model definition. Family is designed to help establish a link between the object language of an OOM and an extended model definition. When the object language family corresponds to the extended model definition family, it suggests that the extended model definition may be used to complement the object language. For example, when an extended model definition has the family JAVA, it implies that it is designed to work with the JAVA object language. This feature is available for the OOM only
Subfamily Used to refine the family. For example, EJB 2.0 is a sub-family of Java
Auto attach Used to link the extended model definition to the current object language. If the Auto attach check box is selected, the corresponding extended model definition will be selected in the Extended Model Definition page of the New model dialog box
Category Used to group concurrent extended model definitions for generation. For example, a category called "Application servers" can be created to group extended model definitions dedicated to different servers. Extended model definitions having the same category cannot be generated simultaneously. The category also corresponds to the different tabbed pages available in the Choose Targets dialog box. See section below.
Enable Trace Mode When selected, displays the generation templates used for the generated text in the Preview page of an object property sheet
Complement language generation Indicates that the extended model definition is used to complement the generation of an object language. See section below
Comment Comments of the extended model definition

Enable trace mode

The Enable Trace mode check box allows you to preview which templates are used during generation. Before starting the generation, click the Preview page of the object involved in the generation to see these templates. When you double-click on a trace line in the Preview page, the corresponding template definition is displayed in the resource editor in the category where it is located. The code of the template may appear with distinct colors.

For more information on syntactic coloring, see section Creating a generated file in chapter Managing Profiles.


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