Chapter 6 Process Languages Reference Guide

Implementation category

The Implementation category (only available for executable BPM) contains the following constant values defined by default:

Constant Default value
LoopTypeList This list defines the type of loop supported by the language. The value must be an integer
OperationTypeList This list defines the type of operation supported by the language. An unsupported operation type cannot be associated with a process. The value must be an integer
EnableEmissionCorrelation This setting enables the definition of a correlation for an emitted message
EnableProcessReuse This setting allows a process to be implemented by another process
AutomaticInvokeMode This setting indicates if the action type of a process implemented by an operation can be automatically deducted from the operation type.
The values are the following:

  • 0 (default) indicates that the action type cannot be deducted and needs to be specified
  • 1 is reserved for languages that enforce a Request-Response and a One-Way operation to be received by the process and a Solicit-Response and a Notification operation to be invoked by the process
  • 2 is reserved for languages that ensure that a Solicit-Response and a Notification operation are always received by the process while Request-Response and One-Way operations are always invoked by the process


In the BPEL4WS process language, the Settings category is expanded to show the list of values for Operation type list.


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