Chapter 4 Managing Profiles

Adding an event handler to a metaclass or a stereotype

When you add an event handler to a metaclass or a stereotype, you have to select the type of the event handler and then define the script that will be run when the event occurs.

Steps To add an event handler to a metaclass or a stereotype:

  1. Right-click a metaclass or a stereotype and select New→Event Handler.

    An event handler selection dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select one or several event handlers and click OK.

    The event handlers are added in the Event Handler category in the selected metaclass or stereotype.
  3. Select an event handler.

    The General tab of the event handler property sheet is displayed in the right pane.
  4. Click the Event Handler Script tab to display the corresponding tab.
  5. Type the event handler script.
  6. Click Apply and repeat the previous step for each event handler.


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