Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide

Variables for references

Variable name Comment
REFR Generated code of Reference
PARENT Generated code of Parent table
PNAME Name of Parent table
PCODE Code of Parent table
PQUALIFIER Qualifier of Parent table. See also QUALIFIER.
CHILD Generated code of Child table
CNAME Name of Child table
CCODE Code of Child table
CQUALIFIER Qualifier of Child table. See also QUALIFIER.
REFRNAME Reference name
REFRCODE Reference code
FKCONSTRAINT Foreign key (reference) constraint name
PKCONSTRAINT Constraint name of Primary key used to reference object
CKEYCOLUMNS List of parent key columns. Ex: C1, C2, C3
FKEYCOLUMNS List of child foreign key columns. Ex: C1, C2, C3
UPDCONST Contains Update declarative constraint keywords "restrict", "cascade", "set null" or "set default"
DELCONST Contains Delete declarative constraint keywords "restrict", "cascade", "set null" or "set default"
MINCARD Minimum cardinality
MAXCARD Maximum cardinality
POWNER Parent table owner name
COWNER Child table owner name
CHCKONCMMT TRUE when check on commit is selected on Reference (ASA 6.0 specific)
REFRNO Reference number in child table collection of references
JOINS References joins.


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