Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide


Data type translation table showing the mapping from ODBC data types to the DBMS data types.

This table is used during reverse engineering through ODBC to map the data types extracted from the database to DBMS data types. Although data types are identical concepts between the database and the DBMS, the way data types are stored in the database differs from the DBMS notation. For example, you create a column with a data type decimal in the database. The decimal data type is stored as decimal(30,6) in Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6. This precision (30,6) did not appear in your create order, and it is not required when using DBMS data types, "decimal" is enough. When you reverse engineer the database, the process retrieves data types as they are stored in the database, i.e. decimal(30,6). At this stage PowerDesigner will use this translation table to map the ODBC data types (decimal(30,6)) with the preferred notation of DBMS data type (decimal).


In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6:

ODBC data type ASA 6 data type
numeric(30,6) numeric
char(1) char
binary(1) binary
decimal(30,6) decimal


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