Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide
You can define values for the following common entries for the Key object in the DBMS definition.
Entry | Example (Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6) |
Enable | Enable = Yes |
Create |
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE% add unique (%COLUMNS%) |
Add |
unique (%COLUMNS%) |
Drop |
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE% delete unique (%COLNLIST%) |
DefOptions | _ |
Options | Oracle 7:
using index : composite=yes, separator=no, parenthesis=no { pctfree %d initrans %d : default=1 maxtrans %d tablespace %s : category=tablespace storage : category=storage, composite=yes, separator=no, parenthesis=yes { initial %s : default=10K next %s : default=10K minextents %d : default=1 maxextents %s maxextents unlimited pctincrease %d : default=50 freelists %d : default=1 freelist groups %d : default=1 optimal %d optimal NULL } nosort <recoverable> %s : list=recoverable | unrecoverable } disable |
SqlAttrQuery | — |
SqlOptsQuery | — |
SqlListQuery |
{TABLE ID, ISPKEY ID, CONSTNAME ID, COLUMNS ...} select t.table_name, 1, null, c.column_name + ', ', c.column_id from systable t, syscolumn c where t.table_name='%TABLE%' and c.pkey='Y' and c.table_id=t.table_id union select t.table_name, 0, i.index_name, c.column_name + ', ', x.sequence from sysindex i, systable t, syscolumn c, sysixcol x where t.table_name='%TABLE%' and i."unique"='U' and i.table_id=t.table_id and x.table_id=t.table_id and c.table_id=t.table_id and x.index_id=i.index_id and x.column_id=c.column_id order by 1, 3, 5 |
SqlFragQuery |
- |
ModifiableAttributes | List of extended attributes that will be taken into account in the merge dialog box during database synchronization |
ReversedStatements | List of statements that will be reverse engineered |
For a description of each of the common object entries, see section "Common object entries".
Copyright (C) 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |