Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide


ASC, DESC keywords allowed on index definition. You can indicate ascending or descending order by selecting the Ascending or Descending statement from the Sort dropdown list box in the Columns tab of an Index property sheet. Ascending is selected by default.

Value Target database Result
Yes Supports index columns sorted in ascending or descending order The variable %ASC% is calculated. The keyword ASC or DESC is generated when creating or modifying the database
No Does not support index column sort The Sort dropdown listbox does not appear in the Columns tab of an Index property sheet. The variable %ASC% is not calculated. The keyword ASC or DESC is not generated when creating or modifying the database


In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6:

EnableAscDesc = YES

In the following example, a primary key index is created on the TASK table, the column project number (PRONUM) is given an ascending order and the column task name (TSKNAME) is given a descending order.

create index IX_TASK on TASK (PRONUM asc, TSKNAME desc);


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