Chapter 3 DBMS Reference Guide
You can define values for the following common entries for the Table object in the DBMS definition:
Entry | Example |
Enable | In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6:
Enable = Yes |
Maxlen | In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6:
Maxlen = 128 |
Create | In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6:
create table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE% ( %TABLDEFN% ) [%OPTIONS%] |
Drop | In Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11:
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('[%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%') and type = 'U') drop table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE% |
Options | In Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11:
with max_rows_per_page = %d : default=0 on %s : category=storage |
DefOptions | This entry is often empty. It defines options that are applied to all tables such as with_max_row_per_page = 128 |
SqlListQuery | In Oracle 7:
{OWNER, TABLE} select owner, table_name from sys.all_tables where 1=1 [and owner='%SCHEMA%'] [and table_name='%TABLE%'] order by owner, table_name |
SqlAttrQuery | In Oracle 7:
{OWNER, TABLE, COMMENT} select owner, table_name, comments from sys.all_tab_comments where comments is not null [and owner='%SCHEMA%'] [and table_name='%TABLE%'] |
SqlOptsQuery | In Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 6:
{OWNER, TABLE, OPTIONS} select su.USER_NAME, st.TABLE_NAME, 'in '+ dbspace_name from SYS.SYSUSERPERMS su, SYS.SYSTABLE st, SYS.SYSFILE sf where st.file_id = sf.file_id and dbspace_name <> 'SYSTEM' and [%TABLE% ? TABLE_NAME = '%TABLE%' and] [%SCHEMA% ? su.USER_NAME = '%SCHEMA%' and] st.CREATOR = su.USER_ID |
SqlFragQuery | In Oracle 9I:
{VAR1NAME, VAR1VALUE} select 'HighVal'||tp.partition_position, tp.high_value from all_tab_partitions tp where 1=1 [ and tp.table_owner=%.q:OWNER% ] [ and tp.table_name=%.q:TABLE%] |
ModifiableAttributes | List of extended attributes that will be taken into account in the merge dialog box during database synchronization |
ReversedStatements | List of statements that will be reverse engineered |
For a description of each of the common object entries, see section "Common object entries".
Copyright (C) 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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