Starting with 12.6 ESD #9, Sybase IQ on the Sun Solaris platform reports the server start-up information about thread stack size and thread memory size in bytes rather than kilobytes and the thread stack size calculation is -iqtss + 256 rather than the value of the -iqtss start-up switch. For example, assuming -iqtss 2800 -iqmt 2000:
Before 12.6. ESD #9 changes, server start-up output is as follows:
IQ server starting with: 100 connections ( -gm ) 76 cmd resources ( -iqgovern ) 2000 threads ( -iqmt ) 2800 Kb thread stack size ( -iqtss ) 5600000 Kb thread memory size ( -iqmt * -iqtss ) 8 IQ number of cpus ( -iqnumbercpus )
As of ESD #9, start-up output is as follows:
IQ server starting with: 100 connections ( -gm ) 76 cmd resources ( -iqgovern ) 2000 threads ( -iqmt ) 2867456 bytes thread stack size ( -iqtss + 256 ) 5734912000 bytes thread memory size ( -iqmt * thread stack size ) 8 IQ number of cpus ( -iqnumbercpus )