Form Properties

You specify the properties for a form by selecting its entry in the resource editor.




Specifies the internal name of the form, which can be used for scripting.


Specifies the display name of the form, which will appear in the PowerDesigner interface.


Provides additional information about the form.

Help file

Enables the display of a Help button and specifies an action that will be performed when the button is clicked or F1 is pressed when in the context of the form.

The action can be the display of a help file (.hlp, .chm or .html), and can specify a specific topic. For instance:
C:\PD1500\pddoc15.chm 26204
If no help file extension is found, the string will be treated as a shell command to execute. For instance, you could instruct PowerDesigner to open a simple text file:
notepad.exe C:\Temp\Readme.txt


Specifies the kind of form. You can choose from the following:
  • Property Tab – creates a new tab in the property sheet of the metaclass, stereotype or criterion

  • Replace <standard> Tab – replaces a standard tab in the property sheet of the metaclass, stereotype or criterion. If your form is empty, it will be filled with the standard controls from the tab that you are replacing.

  • Dialog Box – creates a dialog box that can be launched from a menu or via a form button

Add to favorite tabs

[property tabs only] Specifies that the tab is displayed by default in the object property sheet.