Generating a Database by Script

When you need to generate a database using script, you may use the following methods:

In the following example, you:

Opening an Existing Model

In the following example, we begin with opening an existing model (ASA 9) using the following method: OpenModel (filename As String, flags As Long =omf_Default) As BaseObject.

Be sure to add a final backslash (\) to the generation directory.

Then we are going to generate a database script for the model, modify the model, generate a modified data script, and generate a set of test data using respectively the following methods:

  • GenerateDatabaseScripts pModel

  • ModifyModel pModel

  • GenerateAlterScripts pModel

  • GenerateTestDataScript pModel


Option Explicit
Const GenDir = "D:\temp\test\"
Const Modelfile = "D:\temp\phys.pdm"
Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sub Start()
 dim pModel : Set pModel = OpenModel(Modelfile)
 If (pModel is Nothing) then
  Output "Unable to open the model"
  Exit Sub
 End if
End Sub

Generating a Script for the Model

Then you generate a script for this model in the folder defined in the "GenDir" constant using the following method: GenerateDatabase(ByVal ObjectSelection As BaseObject = Nothing).

As you would do in the generation database dialog box, you have to define the generation directory and the sql file name before starting the generation, see the following example.


Sub GenerateDatabaseScripts(pModel)
 Dim pOpts : Set pOpts = pModel.GetPackageOptions()
 InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Avoid displaying generate window
 ' set generation options using model package options
 pOpts.GenerateODBC = False ' Force sql script generation rather than
 pOpts.GenerationPathName = GenDir ' Define generation directory
 pOpts.GenerationScriptName = "script.sql" ' Define sql file name
 pModel.GenerateDatabase ' Launch the Generate Database feature
End Sub

Modifying the Model

After, you modify the model by adding a column to each table:


Sub ModifyModel(pModel)
 dim pTable, pCol
 ' Add a new column in each table
 For each pTable in pModel.Tables
  Set pCol = pTable.Columns.CreateNew()
  pCol.SetNameAndCode "az" & pTable.Name, "AZ" & pTable.Code
  pCol.Mandatory = False
End Sub

Generating a Modified Database Script

Before generating the modified database script, you have to get package option and change generation parameters, then you generate the modified database script accordingly.

For more information about the generation options, see section BasePhysicalPackageOptions in the Metamodel Object Help file.


Sub GenerateAlterScripts(pModel)
 Dim pOpts : Set pOpts = pModel.GetPackageOptions()
 InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Avoid displaying generate window
' set generation options using model package options
 pOpts.GenerateODBC = False ' Force sql script generation rather than ODBC
pOpts.GenerationPathName = GenDir
 pOpts.DatabaseSynchronizationChoice = 0 'force already saved apm as source
 pOpts.DatabaseSynchronizationArchive = GenDir & "model.apm"
 pOpts.GenerationScriptName = "alter.sql"
pModel.ModifyDatabase ' Launch the Modify Database feature
End Sub

Generating a Set of Test Data

Finally, you generate a set of test data:


Sub GenerateTestDataScript(pModel)
 Dim pOpts : Set pOpts = pModel.GetPackageOptions()
 InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Avoid displaying generate window
' set generation options using model package options
 pOpts.TestDataGenerationByODBC = False ' Force sql script generation rather than ODBC
 pOpts.TestDataGenerationDeleteOldData = False
pOpts.TestDataGenerationPathName = GenDir
 pOpts.TestDataGenerationScriptName = "Test.sql"
pModel.GenerateTestData ' Launch the Generate Test Data feature
End Sub