.convert_name and .convert_code Macros

These macros convert the object name to its code (or vice versa).

Use the following syntax to convert a name to a code:

.convert_name (expression[,"separator"[,"separator_pattern"],case])

Use the following syntax to convert a code to a name:

.convert_code (expression[,"separator"[,"separator_pattern"]])

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text to be converted. For .convert_name, this is generally the %Name% variable and may include a suffix or prefix.

Type: Simple template


[optional] Character generated each time a separator declared in pattern-separator is found in the code. For example, "_" (underscore).

Type: Text


[optional] Declaration of the different separators likely to exist in a code, and which will be replaced by separator. You can declare several separators, for example "_ " and "-"

Type: Text


[optional for .convert_name only] Specifies the case into which to convert the code. You can choose between:
  • firstLowerWord - First word in lowercase, first letters of subsequent words in uppercase
  • FirstUpperChar - First character of all words in uppercase
  • lower_case - All words in lowercase and separated by an underscore
  • UPPER_CASE - All words in uppercase and separated by an underscore

In the following example, the .convert_name macro is added from the Profile\Column folder in a new Generated Files entry:

Note: These macros can also be used to perform conversions to apply naming conventions in your model. For more information, see "Naming Conventions" in Chapter 8, Customizing Your Modeling Environment of the Core Features Guide .