This macro iterates through and transforms the parts of the input template, with the parts delimited by a separator pattern.
.foreach_part (expression [,"separator" [,head [,tail]]]) simple-template .next[(separator)]
This macro creates a new scope wherein the local variable CurrentPart is defined to be the i-th part of the input template at iteration i. The Separator local variable contains the following separator.
This macro is often used in applying naming conventions (see "Naming Conventions" in Chapter 8, Customizing Your Modeling Environment of the Core Features Guide ).
The following parameters are available:
Convert a name into a class code (Java naming convention). In the following example, the variable %Name% is equal to Employee shareholder, and it is converted to EmployeeShareholder:
.foreach_part (%Name%, " _-'") %.FU:CurrentPart% .next
Convert a name into a class attribute code (Java naming convention). In the following example, the variable %Name% is equal to Employee shareholder, and it is converted to EmployeeShareholder:
.set_value(_First, true, new) .foreach_part(%Name%,"' _-'") .if (%_First%) %.L:CurrentPart% .set_value(_First, false, update) .else %.FU:CurrentPart% .endif .next