Creating a Calculated Collection

You can create a calculated collection for a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion.

  1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion and select New > Calculated Collection.
  2. Enter a scripting Name and display Label to use as the name of the tab associated with the collection in the parent object property sheet.
  3. [optional] Enter a Comment to describe the collection.
  4. Select a metaclass in the Target Type list to specify the kind of object that will be contained in the collection.
  5. [optional] Select or enter a Target Stereotype to further refine the instances of the target metaclass that may appear in the collection.
  6. Click the Calculated Collection Script tab and enter a script that will calculate which objects will form the collection. If appropriate, you can reuse functions on the Global Script tab.

  7. Click Apply to save your changes.

    You can view the tab associated with the collection by opening the property sheet of a metaclass instance.