Adding Extended Objects, Sub-Objects, and Links to a Profile

By default, extended objects, sub-objects, and links do not appear in models other than the free model, and you have to add them explicitly to the Profile of your resource file.

Once added, you can refine these metaclasses using stereotypes (see Stereotypes (Profile), and extend them in the same ways as you would other metaclasses.

  1. Open your resource file in the resource editor.

    You may have to create and attach an extended model definition if the current model is a CDM or other model type without a target (such as a DBMS or object language).

  2. Right-click the Profile category and select Add Metaclasses in the contextual menu to open the Metaclass Selection dialog, and then click the PdCommon tab at the bottom of the dialog to display the list of objects common to all models.
  3. Select one or more of the ExtendedLink, ExtendedSubObject, and ExtendedObject check boxes and click OK.

    The metaclasses are added to the profile.