The Trigger category is located in the
category, and can contain the following items that define how triggers are modeled for your DBMS.
Item |
Description |
[Common items] |
The following common object items may be defined for triggers: For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items. |
DefaultTrigger Name |
Specifies a template to define default trigger names. Example (SQL Anywhere 10): %TEMPLATE%_%.L:TABLE% |
EnableMulti Trigger |
Enables the use of multiple triggers per type. |
Event |
Specifies a list of trigger event attributes to populate the Event list on the Definition tab of Trigger property sheets. Example: Delete Insert Update |
EventDelimiter |
Specifies a character to separate multiple trigger events. |
ImplementationType |
Specifies a list of available trigger template types. |
Time |
Specifies a list of trigger time attributes to populate the Time list on the Definition tab of Trigger property sheets. Example: Before After |
Trigger Comment |
Specifies a statement for adding a trigger comment. |
UniqName |
Specifies whether trigger names must be unique within the global scope of the database. The following settings are available: |
UseErrorMsg Table |
Specifies a macro for accessing trigger error messages from a message table in your database. Enables the use of the User-defined radio button on the Error Messages tab of the Trigger Rebuild dialog box (see "Creating and generating user-defined error messages" in the Generating Triggers and Procedures chapter of the Data Modeling guide). If an error number in the trigger script corresponds to an error number in the message table, the default error message of the .ERROR macro is replaced your message. Example (ASE 15): begin select @errno = %ERRNO%, @errmsg = %MSGTXT% from %MSGTAB% where %MSGNO% = %ERRNO% goto error end Where: See also UseErrorMsgText. |
UseErrorMsg Text |
Specifies a macro for accessing trigger error messages from the trigger template definition. Enables the use of the Standard radio button on the Error Messages tab of the Trigger Rebuild dialog box. The error number and message defined in the template definition are used. Example (ASE 15): begin select @errno = %ERRNO%, @errmsg = %MSGTXT% goto error end See also UseErrorMsgTable. |
ViewTime |
Specifies a list of available times available for trigger on view. |