
The Key category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the following items that define how keys are modeled for your DBMS.



[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for keys:

  • Add

  • AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

  • BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify

  • ConstName

  • Create, Drop

  • Enable

  • MaxConstLen

  • ModifiableAttributes

  • Options, DefOptions

  • ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements

  • SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items.


Specifies a statement for adding an alternate key comment.

AllowNullable Coln

Specifies whether non-mandatory columns are permitted. The following settings are available:

  • Yes - Non mandatory columns are permitted.

  • No - Non mandatory column are not permitted.


Specifies whether clustered constraints are permitted on alternate keys.

  • Yes - Clustered constraints are permitted.

  • No - Clustered constraints are not permitted.


Specifies a reverse-engineering query for obtaining the alternate key indexes of a table by live connection.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):

select distinct  i.index_name
from sys.sysuserperms u
  join sys.systable t on
  join sys.sysindex i on
where i."unique" not in ('Y', 'N')
[  and t.table_name = %.q:TABLE%]
[  and u.user_name = %.q:SCHEMA%]

UniqConstAuto Index

Determines whether a Create Index statement is generated for every key statement. The following settings are available:

  • Yes - Automatically generates an alternate key index within the alternate key statement. If you select the alternate key check box under create index when generating or modifying a database, the alternate key check box of the create table will automatically be cleared, and vice versa.

  • No - Alternate key indexes are not automatically generated. Alternate key and create index check boxes can be selected at the same time.