The Script category contains the following kinds of items:
create index %INDEX%
These statements differ from DBMS to DBMS. For example in Oracle 9i, the index create statement contains the definition of an owner:
The following kinds of generation and reverse engineering statements are also available:
Drop for deleting an object
Options for defining the physical options of an object
ConstName to define the constraint name template for object checks
Modify statements - used to modify the attributes of already existing objects. Most start with the word "Modify", but others include Rename or AlterTableFooter.
The statement for creating a key depending on where the key is defined. If the key is inside the table, then it will be created with a generation order, and if it is created outside the table, it will be a modify order of the table.
Database definition items – used to customize the PowerDesigner interface and behavior according to database features. For example, item Maxlen in the table category, has to be set according to the maximum code length tolerated for a table in the current database.
Permission, EnableOwner, AllowedADT are other examples of items defined to adapt PowerDesigner to the current DBMS.
Live database reverse engineering queries - most start with "Sql". For example, SqlListQuery retrieves a list of objects, and SqlOptsQuery reverse engineers physical options. For more information, see Live database reverse engineering.