A metamodel describes the elements of a model, and the syntax and semantics of their manipulation. Where a model is an abstraction of data, and can be described using metadata, the metamodel is an abstraction of that metadata.
The PowerDesigner public metamodel is an abstraction of the metadata for all the PowerDesigner models, which is represented in an object-oriented model. It is intended to help you understand the overall structure of the PowerDesigner modeling metadata when working with:
VB scripts
Generation Template Language (GTL) templates
PowerDesigner XML model files (see The PowerDesigner XML Model File Format)
The public metamodel OOM is located at:
[PowerDesigner install dir]\Examples\MetaModel.oom
For documentation, select
The metamodel is divided into the following main packages:
PdBPM - Business Process Model
PdCDM - Conceptual Data Model
PdCommon - contains all objects shared between two or more models, and the abstract classes of the model. For example, business rules, which are available in all models, and the BaseObject class, from which all model objects are derived, are defined in this package. Other model packages are linked to PdCommon by generalization links indicating that each model inherits common objects from the PdCommon package.
PdFRM - Free Model
PdILM - Information Liquidity Model
PdMTM - Merise Model (available in French only)
PdOOM - Object Oriented Model
PdPDM - Physical Data Model
PdRMG - Repository
PdRQM - Requirements Model
PdXSM - XML Model
PdWSP – Workspace
Each of these top-level packages contains the follow kinds of sub-objects, organized by diagram or, in the case of PdCommon, by sub-packages: