Creating Separate Generation Targets with Extended Model Definitions

Extended model definitions can be used to create new generation targets.

You must respect the following conditions:

This type of generation is called extended generation, and is available from the Tools > Extended Generation command.

If you have several extended model definitions designed for extended generation, these will appear in the Targets page of the extended generation dialog box.

You can create commands in the Tools menu to directly access extended generation for a selected target. To do so you have to:

Sub %Method%(obj)

 Dim selection ' as ObjectSelection
 ' Create a new selection
 set selection = obj.CreateSelection
 ' Add object of the active selection in the created selection

 ' Generate scripts for specific target
 InteractiveMode = im_Dialog
 obj.GenerateFiles "", selection, "specific target"
End Sub

Where specific target is the code of the extended generation target.

The new command is displayed in the Tools menu.

The Targets tab does not display because the underlying method already specifies a generation target.