In addition, you can, at any time, open, inspect, and edit any resource file from the lists of resource files.
Select Tools > Resources > Type to open the relevant resource file list.
Select a file in the list, and then click the Properties tool.
"Not Certified" Resource Files
Some resource files are delivered with "Not Certified" in their names. Sybase will perform all possible validation checks, however we do not maintain specific environments to fully certify these resource files. We will support them by accepting bug reports and providing fixes as per standard policy, with the exception that there will be no final environmental validation of the fix. You are invited to assist us by testing fixes and reporting any continuing inconsistencies.
Sharing and Copying Resource Files
Some resource files can be shared among different models or copied in a local model. Modifications that you make to a resource file are applied differently depending on whether the resource file is shared or copied into the model:
Saving Changes
If you make changes to a resource file and then click OK to close the resource editor without having clicked the Save tool, the changes are saved in memory, the editor is closed and you return to the list of resource files. When you click Close in the list of resource files, a confirmation box is displayed asking you if you really want to save the modified resource file. If you click Yes, the changes are saved in the resource file itself. If you click No, the changes are kept in memory until you close the PowerDesigner session.