To specify the database path, tab to the field, click the text box, tab, or press Alt+D and type the path, or use the Browse button or Alt+r to locate the database if needed. Browse is only enabled if the host specified in the previous screen is the local host. The Browse button can locate either a directory or a file.
Be sure to include the .db suffix when typing the database path.
For example, on Windows:
C:\Program Files\Sybase\ASIQ-12_7\demo\asiqdemo.db
A UNIX path cannot contain blanks. Using “Sybase IQ” instead of “SybaseIQ” in the path would invalidate it.
You may find it convenient to arrange drive letter assignments
(on Windows systems) or symbolic links (on UNIX systems) to match
paths and names across the hosts in the multiplex.
If the database is strongly encrypted, type the encryption key.
Sybase Central uses the params.cfg file each time it starts the database, to specify options for the session. The options specify run time values for environment settings. For details about startup options, see the Sybase IQ Reference Manual. If there is no params.cfg file in the path you provided, the wizard creates one.
Click Next or Alt+N when finished to view the Start Server Wizard Summary.