The filename is the actual filename of the dbspace, with a path where necessary. A filename without an explicit directory is created in the same directory as the initial dbspace of that store. the .db file. Any relative directory is relative to that initial dbspace. Be sure to specify the filename suffix — .iq for an IQ Main Store, .iqtmp for IQ Temporary Store.
If the dbspace is an operating system file, deselect the option “This is a raw device.” Then specify the file size in MB.
If desired, specify the size in megabytes of free list space to reserve, so that the dbspace can be increased in size in the future. The size can be any number greater than 0. The reserve cannot be changed after the dbspace is created.
When you specify reserve size, the database uses more space for internal (free list) structures. If reserve size is too large, the space needed for the internal structures can be larger than the specified size, which results in an error.
Reserve size and mode (read write, read only, relocate)
for temporary dbspaces are lost if the database is restored from
a backup.
A database can have up to 2047 dbspaces, including the initial dbspaces created when you create the database. However, your operating system may limit the number of files per database.
Click Finish to create the new dbspace or Back to make changes.