sp_iqlistlockedusers procedure


Lists user IDs that are locked out of the database.


sp_iqlistlockedusers [ 'userid' ] [ 'server-name | all servers' ]


DBA authority required.


userid If specified, lists the lock status for only the specified user.

If not specified, or null, lists the lock status for all users.

server-name | all servers If specified, lists user IDs locked out of the named server, or, if all servers is specified, user IDs locked on a server-by-server basis. The server name argument is valid only in multiplex environments, and the specified server name must be a valid server name in the IQ_MPX_INFO system table.

If not specified, lists user IDs that are locked by default on a global basis. In a multiplex environment, the global default lock status may be overridden on a server-by-server basis, so user IDs listed without using the server name argument may not be locked out of all servers. In a multiplex environment, Sybase recommends that you specify all servers in order to list which users are effectively locked out of each server.

To display per-server user settings in Sybase Central, right-click the name of a multiplex server and choose Properties from the drop-down. Then choose the Login Management tab. (The tab displays only if Login Management is enabled for the server.)

See also

“sp_iqlocklogin procedure”


The following error may occur. Cause is listed after the error.

Permission denied: You do not have permission to execute the procedure "sp_iqlistlockedusers".

Cause: A user without DBA role tried to execute sp_iqlistlockedusers.


The following lists all users locked by default. (This lock may be overridden on a server-by-server basis.)

call sp_iqlistlockedusers







The following lists all users effectively locked out of all servers, on a server-by-server basis:

sp_iqlistlockedusers null, 'all servers'

The following lists all users effectively locked out of server Littleton:

sp_iqlistlockedusers null, 'Littleton'

The following lists all servers, by server, from which user joe is locked:

sp_iqlistlockedusers 'joe', 'all servers'