SYSUSERPERM system table

	user_name	 CHAR(128) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
	password	 BINARY(36),
	resourceauth	 CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
	dbaauth	 CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
	scheduleauth	 CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
	publishauth		 CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
	remotedbaauth	 	CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
	user_group	 CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
	remarks	 LONG VARCHAR,
	PRIMARY KEY ( user_id )

NoteSYSUSERPERM contains passwords requires DBA permissions to SELECT from the table.

Each row of SYSUSERPERM describes one user ID.

user_id Each new user ID is assigned a unique number (the user number) that is the primary key for SYSUSERPERM.

user_name String containing the name for the user ID. Each userid must have a unique name.

password Password for the user ID. The password contains the NULL value for the special user IDs SYS and PUBLIC, preventing anyone from connecting to these user IDs.

resourceauth Indicates whether the user has RESOURCE authority. Resource authority is required to create tables. (Y/N).

dbaauth Indicates whether the user has database administrator (DBA) authority. DBA authority is very powerful, and should be restricted to as few user IDs as possible for security purposes. (Y/N).

scheduleauth Indicates whether the user has SCHEDULE authority. This is currently not used by Sybase IQ. (Y/N).

publishauth Indicates whether the user has the SQL Remote publisher authority. (Y/N).

remotedbaauth Indicates whether the user has the SQL Remote remote DBA authority. (Y/N).

user_group Indicates whether the user is a group. (Y/N).

remarks Comment string.

When a database is initialized, the following user IDs are created:

There is no way to connect to the SYS or PUBLIC user IDs.