CREATE TABLE SYS.SYSIQTABLE ( table_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, block_map BINARY(32) NOT NULL, block_map_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, vdo BINARY(256) NOT NULL, vdoid_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, info_location HS_VDORECID NOT NULL, info_recid_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, info_location_size UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, commit_txn_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, txn_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, join_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, create_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, update_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( table_id ), UNIQUE ( commit_txn_id, txn_id ) )
Each row of SYSIQTABLE describes one table in the database, which corresponds to a table entry in SYSTABLE.
table_id Each table is assigned a unique number (the table number) that is the primary key for SYSIQTABLE.
block_map_size For internal use.
info_location Not used. Always zero.
info_recid_size Not used. Always zero.
info_location_size Not used. Always zero.
commit_txn_id For internal use.