SYSFKCOL system table

	foreign_table_id	 UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL,
	foreign_key_id SMALLINT NOT NULL,
	foreign_column_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL,
	primary_column_id UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY ( foreign_table_id,
	foreign_key_id, foreign_column_id ),
	FOREIGN KEY ( foreign_table_id,
	foreign_column_id ) REFERENCES
	SYS.SYSCOLUMN ( table_id, column_id )

Each row of SYSFKCOL describes the association between a foreign column in the foreign table of a relationship and the primary column in the primary table.

foreign_table_id The table number of the foreign table.

foreign_key_id The key number of the FOREIGN KEY for the foreign table. Together, foreign_table_id and foreign_key_id uniquely identify one row in SYSFOREIGNKEY, and the table number for the primary table can be obtained from that row.

foreign_column_id This column number, together with the foreign_table_id, identify the foreign column description in SYSCOLUMN.

primary_column_id This column number, together with the primary_table_id obtained from SYSFOREIGNKEY, identify the primary column description in SYSCOLUMN.