user_admin_enabled  CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
 number_connects  INT NOT NULL,
 number_db_connects INT NOT NULL
 password_days INT NOT NULL
 password_warning_days  INT NOT NULL) IN SYSTEM

IQ_SYSTEM_LOGIN_INFO_TABLE contains one row with the system default values for Sybase IQ Login Management. When a new user is added with sp_iqaddlogin, these default values are used for connection and password control.

user_admin_enabled Indicates whether Sybase IQ Login Management is enabled (Y) or disabled (N). Set by sp_iqmodifyadmin.

number_connects Maximum number of concurrent database connections by a single user. Default is 0: Sybase IQ does not enforce a maximum number of connections.

number_db_connects Number of connections allowed to the database.

password_days Number of days until a password expires. Default is 0: the password does not expire.

password_warning_days Number of days before a password expires at which Sybase IQ sends a warning to the user.