Extensive file searching

Sybase IQ programs, including the database server and administration utilities, carry out extensive searches for required files, such as DLLs or shared libraries. In these cases, Sybase IQ programs look for files in the following order:

  1. The executable directory – The directory in which the program executable is held. Also, directories with the following paths relative to the program executable directory:

    • Parent of the executable directory.

    • A child of the parent directory named scripts. The UNIX server does not search in this location.

  2. Current working directory – When a program is started, it has a current working directory (the directory from which it is started). This directory is searched for required files.

  3. Location registry entry – On a Windows installation, Sybase IQ adds a LOCATION registry entry. The indicated directory is searched, followed by the following:

    • A child named scripts

    • A child with the operating system name (win32, win, and so on)

  4. System-specific directories – This includes directories where common operating system files are held, such as the Windows directory and the Windows\system directory on Windows.

  5. CLASSPATH directories – For Java files, directories listed in the CLASSPATH environment variable are searched to locate files.

  6. PATH directories – Directories in the system path and the user’s path are searched to locate files.

  7. LIBRARY PATH directories – Directories listed in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIBPATH, or SHLIB_PATH (depending on platform) environment variable are searched for shared libraries.