Current user and local machine settings

Some operating systems, such as Windows, hold two levels of system settings. Some settings are specific to an individual user and are used only when that user is logged on; these settings are called current user settings. Some settings are global to the machine and are available no matter which user is logged on; these are called local machine settings. You must have administrator permissions on your machine to make local machine settings.

Sybase IQ permits the use of both current user and local machine settings. For Windows, these settings are held in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry, respectively.

The Sybase IQ installation lets you choose whether the settings it makes are for the current user only or at the local machine level.

If you make settings in both current user and local machine registries, the current user setting takes precedence over the local machine setting.

When local machine settings are needed

If you are running a Sybase IQ program as a service on Windows, you should ensure that the settings are made at the local machine level.

Services can continue to run under a special account when you log off a machine, as long as you do not shut the machine down entirely. Services can be made independent of individual accounts and need access to local machine settings.

In general, Sybase recommends using local machine settings.