Users, groups, and permissions

There are some differences between the Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere and Sybase IQ models of users and groups.

How users connect

In Adaptive Server Enterprise, users connect to a server, and each user requires a login ID and password to the server as well as a user ID for each database they want to access on that server.

In Adaptive Server Anywhere and Sybase IQ, users connect directly to a database and do not require a server login ID. Instead, each user receives a user ID and password on a database so they can use that database.

User groups

All three products support user groups, so you can grant permissions to many users at one time. However, there are differences in the specifics of groups:

All three products have a public group, for defining default permissions. Every user automatically becomes a member of the public group.

Database object permissions

GRANT and REVOKE statements for granting permissions on individual database objects are very similar in all three products.

Database-wide permissions

Adaptive Server Enterprise uses a different model for database-wide user permissions.

Adding users

Adaptive Server Enterprise requires a two-step process to add a user: sp_addlogin followed by sp_add_user.

Adaptive Server Anywhere and Sybase IQ add users in a single step.

Sybase IQ Login Management stored procedures, although not required to add or drop users, allow DBAs to add or drop Sybase IQ user accounts. When Sybase IQ User Administration is enabled, these accounts let DBAs control user connections and password expirations.

For details on Sybase IQ User Administration, see Chapter 12, “Managing User IDs and Permissions” and Chapter 15, “Sybase IQ as a Data Server” in the Sybase IQ System Administration Guide.

Although Adaptive Server Anywhere and Sybase IQ allow Adaptive Server Enterprise system procedures for managing users and groups, the exact syntax and function of these procedures differs in some cases. For more information, see Chapter 10, “System Procedures,” including “Adaptive Server Enterprise system procedures”.