Generates graphical query plans in HTML format for viewing in a Web browser.
DBA permissions are not required to set this option. Can be set temporary, for an individual connection, or for the PUBLIC group. Takes effect immediately.
QUERY_PLAN_AS_HTML causes graphical query plans to be generated in HTML format.
When you set this option, also set the QUERY_NAME option for each query, so you know which query is associated with the query plan.
Sybase IQ writes the plans in the same directory as the .iqmsg file, in a file named:
For example, if the user DBA sets the temporary option QUERY_NAME to 'Query_1123'
a file created on April 18, 2002 at exactly 8:30 a.m. is called DBA_Query_1123_20020418_083000.html.
The date and time are appended to the file name automatically to
ensure that existing files are not overwritten.
If you use this feature, monitor your disk space usage
so you leave enough room for your .iqmsg and
log files to grow. Enabling IQ message log wrapping helps control
the size of this file.
QUERY_PLAN_AS_HTML acts independently of the setting for the QUERY_PLAN option. In other words, if QUERY_PLAN_AS_HTML is ON, you get an HTML format query plan whether or not QUERY_PLAN is ON.
This feature is supported with newer versions of many commonly used browsers. Some browsers might experience problems with plans generated for very complicated queries.